

Feelings are tricky things. Sometimes they convince us that we cannot do something simply because we do not feel like doing it. Or we cannot obey God’s Word because we do not feel like doing it. In reality we can do both of the above if we got ourselves together i.e. keep our emotions under-control and work according to the power of the holy spirit God has given us.

If you read my blog often you will know that waking up on Mondays for me is a struggle. Big struggle. My emotions seem to run wild and I just feel like I cannot get out of bed and do anything. I feel like just staying in bed until I feel like getting up. In these moments I really have to check myself. I literally pray for God to remove these unhealthy thoughts and give me the strength to get up. Instead of focusing on the things I do not feel like doing. I change my focus on to what I can do. I usually jump up and put on my pilates videos or do some other exercise to shake up my body and my mind.

You see without God and a willingness to be positive and think the right thoughts, life is a huge struggle. We need to start questioning ourselves when we feel down, overwhelmed, angry, not bothered…all those feelings that cut us off from hope and God’s best. God has already given us the joy we need, we just need to tap into it.

NM x

Don’t forget to check out my vlog and podcast.

My book on beauty and self – esteem is available here: http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/aw/d/B009TOB9LC

Success without a struggle?


These past few weeks I have been reading a lot about life’s journey; our individual story and its unique plot. Let’s stop and think for a minute about a good story. It has a beginning, middle and end. Conflict. Whether all the conflict gets resolved is debateable. Physical conflict may be resolved but the lead character may still have some internal demons and issues.

What draws us into the story? The struggle right? Growing and addressing issues with the characters makes them relatable #real. So why in life do we get surprised and ‘put off’ life when God is crafting just as good a story with our lives? Why don’t we want to be real and relateable with our struggles. The road to our individual successes is an interesting and challenging one.


NM x

My new book ‘lessons from dad’ is available here.

Check out my and YouTube. and podcast.

My book on beauty and self – esteem is available here: http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/aw/d/B009TOB9LC

The journey: The man who moves a mountain begins by carrying away small stones.


Sometimes tasks can just seem too big. We can think of changes we want to make and after a fleeting moment of excitment, overwhelm sets in. One of the most important things to note when faced with a seemingly big challenge, is that everything in life can be broken down into manageable, achieveable steps.

The first thing that I think when I can feel myself getting overwhelmed is: how can I do this? Literally. I pray for wisdom so that God can show me each step to take. Now sometimes only the first step is given and I have faith that when I start out the rest will be revealed. These are the faith walks.

Other times it is a must for me to get the necessary advice and guidance to map out each step. I pray for the discernment to know the difference.

Remember all things are possible!

Check out my new vlog here. and my podcast here.

NM x

My book on beauty and self – esteem is available here: http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/aw/d/B009TOB9LC

One of those days…


Good Morning! I took a short break from my posts working on some vlogs and my new book ‘lessons from dad’ I have coming out the end of this year. I am so excited to see how God wants to use these new outlets. I love connecting with people and connecting them to God. The vlogs and book are another way I will do this.

Sooo… this morning I was reading the scriptures above and thought about how there is something about winter that just makes it hard for me to wake up! That feeling makes me want to make every excuse why it is not possible for me to get out of bed. Truth is, I love my job. It is a job I prayed for and God has blessed me abundantly in. I read above and was reminded that I need to cut the moaning.

You know complaining takes energy and precious time you could be spending with God; getting to know Him and taking the steps He wants you to take. By focusing on God we also lessen the chances of us being petty and finding fault with others. How great would it be to live every day making God known to people through just living our lives as God has called us to. This is an area I am being massively challenged in…

You can


out my new vlog here.

NM xx

My book on beauty and self – esteem is available here: http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/aw/d/B009TOB9LC

New Vlog!! Watch “Are you allowing yourself to grow?” on YouTube

My new vlog is finally up!

Are you allowing yourself to grow?: http://youtu.be/yvALBa6eTi4

NM xx

My book on beauty and self – esteem is available here: http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/aw/d/B009TOB9LC

Nearly the end of the year..Make it count!


I always find the last few weeks of the year extra tiresome because in my head it feels like I have literally been working every day 24/7. It is easy for me to get bored, distracted and in a bid to keep myself getting out of bed each morning, I may start a random new project which I will go on to drop some time in the new year. As you know I have been focusing on growing spiritually and cleaning up my inner world. As a result I am not falling into my same patterns from yester years. Instead I have chosen to look again at what I know God has revealed to me. To check my gifts/ talents: am I growing and using them or working on using them in the best way; as God designed.

In addition I am checking my environment. Who am I around? Am I being inspired and inspiring others? Am I praying for God to help me see things the way he sees so that I don’t come up with my own warped conclusions. Continual growth is essential. I find especially when you are coming to the end of a season I.e. a year, be determined to see 2014 out knowing that you didn’t grow sloppy towards the end.


Listen to my podcast here.

My book on beauty and self – esteem is available here: http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/aw/d/B009TOB9LC

Die Empty

Today I woke to the sad news that Dr Myles Munroe, his wife and daughter all died in a plane crash. Yesterday I was on a plane and so it really hit home for me how fragile life is and the fact that we really do not know the day or the hour God will call us home. I learned so much from Dr Munroe. It was his teachings that first introduced me to the unique yet complimentary designs of man and woman in a way that I truly understood. So today I am praying for his family amd church. However I believe the best way to honour him is to really live an empowered purposeful life. To not let his teaching be in vain. To give all God has given me to give and to die empty.


NM x

Listen to my podcast here.

My book on beauty and self – esteem is available here: http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/aw/d/B009TOB9LC

Everyone can help in some way.

Greetings from Paris! Sorry my post is later than usual. I was literally on the plan at 8 and was so caught up in the journey, I forgot to post. Forgive me! So…my friend and I were looking for the metro stop to get to the Eiffel tower and just could not see it. This sweet lady, I am guessing over about the age of 65 walks up to us and in the little english she could speak asks us where we want to go. I can’t speak French and she knew little english but somehow we understood enough of each other for her to direct us. I was so touched because she had literally gone out of her way to help. What a blessing she is!

I know it sounds extra but after saying thank you I also prayed for God to protect and bless her abundantly. I then started thinking how rare it was for me to go out of my way to help others. That needs to change.

How can you be a help today amd everyday?

NM x

Listen to my podcast here.

My book on beauty and self – esteem is available here: http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/aw/d/B009TOB9LC

Living according to your unique design

The inspiration for this post came from something I saw this morning. I was listening to Hezekiah Walker’s song ‘Amazing’. The first part says “It’s so amazing, your love for me…If not for your grace where would I be”. While listening to the song I saw a cat walking along the slim edge of the roof. It was peacefully walking along on top of this like 5 level block of apartments. I was amazed! The cat did not slip, was not moved by the wind and was solely focused on looking forward, getting to its destination. I then thought how amazing it was that the cat had been specially designed by God to be able to walk in that way. If I tried, it would probably result in sudden death!

How crazy is it then that we all still find oursleves doing and saying and behaving in ways that God has not designed us to. Then when we feel the painful consequences of having e.g. a bad attitude, lack of faith, poor eating habits, not exercising, and so many other things, we get shocked. It should not be so! A while back I told myself I needed to make living by God’s design my priority because all other ways lead to death. Death of hope, faith, love and every other important thing ever in life. You see as the Bible says there is a way that seems right to man but leads to death. In the same way, when we trust in God it leads to life. Life to hope, love, faith and every other good thing.

In my mind, God’s way is my only option. Why settle for less?

NM x

Listen to my podcast here.

My book on beauty and self – esteem is available here: http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/aw/d/B009TOB9LC

Distracted? Confused? Who are you listening to?

Ever found yourself going against your beliefs and convictions because of pressure and influence from other people. This is nothing new. There is a story in the Bible where Moses goes to spend time with God at Mount Sinai. There he receives specific words from God to share with the people (Exodus 31-32). However the people he left while he had this quiet time with God grew restless. In their restlessness they committed great sin by creating an idol for themselves. How do we stop derailing ourselves by being pressured by society, family, media and everything in between?


This extract is from Gordon MacDonald’s book ‘ordering your private world’. The answer to overcoming external pressure and noise is to get fine tuned into God. Spending time in His Word so that He can reveal his best for you.

Tired of being tired? Get in God.

NM x

Listen to my podcast here.

My book on beauty and self – esteem is available here: http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/aw/d/B009TOB9LC