The power of vulnerability, love & New Year!

I recently came across a video of Brene Brown talking about vulnerability ( ). The video was interesting because it made me aware of thoughts I have yet had no idea that they were fundamental to life, love and leading a fulfilling life. The main point Brown makes in the talk is that people need to allow themselves to be vulnerable in order to experience love and life to the fullest. The irony of life is that those who are wholehearted and confident are not scared to be vulnerable. Interestingly Brown found that after many years of research the only thing that separated those who felt loved from those who did not, is that those who felt loved believed that they were worthy of it. So simple…yet so true and this video has several thousand hits on YouTube by many people like you and I who like being told things that deep down we knew already.

Brown goes on to say that being vulnerable and embracing the vulnerability of falling in love or getting close to people is not comfortable but is necessary to live wholeheartedly.  I decided to blog about Brown’s observations because although she is stating what I believe to be obvious, it is only obvious because I share her views. However I am aware that there are many out there who have been hurt and heartbroken in ways I will never be able to understand and are therefore trying to make it in life alone to avoid any further heartbreak. I write this blog to  encourage thoseof you who have had any bad experiences this year and have resolved to live next year not allowing yourself to be vulnerable.

At this time of year it is easy for people who have been hurt to resent the festivities and allow themselves to become hardened to any possibility of love and deeper friendships. Watch the video below and know that being hurt does not make you any less of a person. To make mistakes is inevitable and the best thing we can do is take each day as it comes, learning from our mistakes and grow in love with ourselves.

Christmas is here soon! Don’t be a Grinch!


  1. willofheart says:

    thank you for sharing this… this is interesting post… To make mistakes is inevitable and the best thing we can do is take each day as it comes, learning from our mistakes and grow in love with ourselves….. well said…

  2. Ariel Driskell says:

    Thanks for sharing and I will have to check out the video.

  3. Too weird, I come here to your blog and read this article. This morning I posted on my blog about spending the day with my niece, who is 11, yesterday. Her sister was engrossed with their cousin and the 11 year old was feeling a bit left out. One of the things I posted in the article was about how my niece, the 11 year old, holds everything so close to her chest She if fun, always laughing, but, if you wanna know something important, you have to drag it out of her. And you might not get it even then. I worry about her, about her becoming LIKE ME. I’d like her to be braver than I was/am. I don’t know how to instill that in her. 😦 I will have to watch the video, see if it gives me any inkling on how I can change things for the better. Thanks for a great article.

    1. Hi Fourbluehills! GReat to hear the post relates to something specifically in your life. I would love to hear how the video affects you and your niece. Thanks for dropping by, please do keep me posted.

      Nissi x

      1. Well, my brother and his two girls live with me, but I guess they are spending tonight in their new place. I will let you know how it goes, they will be in another town now, 16 miles away and with me working nights it will now be harder to see them. 😦 I will keep trying with my nieces tho. Love those girls!

  4. Jen says:

    This is a great post! Thank you for sharing this. I too have the same view on life. Very well put.

    1. Great minds think alike! Thanks 🙂

  5. JT says:

    This post caused me to ponder, the one who set the example about vulnerability. What I mean to say is God created us and in that process he purposely gave us free will…. talk about making oneself vulnerable… just a thought 🙂

    1. Great angle! Thanks for that insight 🙂

  6. Leanne says:

    Love your post, Christmas can be a difficult time of year for all the reasons you mentioned as well as it being busy & hetic. We really should take the time to stop & enjoy the family & friends we love. Thanks, it has made me stop & think!

    1. Thanks for stopping by! I am glad the post touched you!

  7. nicole says:

    i promise not to be a grinch! 🙂 x

  8. parul says:

    Very Insightful.. But I guess we are all products of our environment. And some people we comes across actually exploit our vulnerability and leave us short changed and hence more hardened than before.
    Imo a more significant goal would be to be selectively vulnerable.

    Nice blog. I’m subscribing to you! 🙂
    Thanks for visiting mine! 🙂


  9. parul says:

    This is based on the write up alone. I’m yet to see the video.

  10. Delaine Zody says:

    >>Christmas is here soon! Don’t be a Grinch!<<

    Love that line!

    Thanks for stopping by my little blog.

    Merry Christmas.

  11. R.Ballard says:

    Excellent share of your deep and poignant thoughts. I’ll be back.

    Soul Sounder

  12. A lot of people needed to hear that! Well Said!

  13. I always have to work hard on the vulnerability thing, not easy to let others in. I will need to ponder this for the day I think.

  14. Thanks for sharing this thought provoking post.

  15. So funny the way themes come up and resonate in our lives. Yesterday I posted about what I believe is the ultimate in vulnerability.

  16. hwaairfan says:

    Thanks for raising this all important point in our lives… I have discovered this for myself, and although scary, the release is great because it brings truth to all relations, and a knowing of where you are in your life, and what you really need…

    One Love!

  17. hwaairfan says:

    Forgot to say I love the header 😆

  18. What an interesting post!!!

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