Challenging your norm: feelings.

Something happened over the weekend that left me really emotional. I literally felt like a teenager again; completely engrossed and controlled by my emotions. it was terrible! I forced myself to sleep last night knowing that waking up on a monday morning with very little sleep, would only add to my emotional mess. I hate being controlled by my feelings and so I decided to listen to a Joyce Meyer sermon on discipline. Joyce is great at showing me where I am just being silly and where I need to make God my focus again so that I can get my mind right.

So I am on the train this morning with my headphones in, listening to this message about how the devil just celebrates when we are emotionally on edge. Why? Because we lose our peace and start acting in ways contrary to God’s best for us. For example we may become anxious, self pitying, depressed, overwhelmed. All these things that make us feel like our situation is bigger than God. These emotions make us lose sight of the fact that no matter what we are going through, God will use it for good and all we need to do is focus on Him. As I listened to the message my anger softened a little and I started dealing with the issues that caused my upset. Instead of letting myself get carried away in the devil’s frenzy and ruin some of my relationships, I started reaching out in forgiveness and letting God deal with my hurts.. The hurts are still being dealt with but I am so happy I challenged my emotions.

What is your emotional norm and should you be challenging it to?

Listen to my prayer journey here.

Nissi x