Is there a way to have a better life?


Self-reflection is so important. Why? Because only when we take an honest look at ourselves can we start steering our hearts, mind and actions to become who we want to be. If we only rely on other people to tell us what to do every second and each stage of our lives, we can (and often do) start to feel like we are losing ourselves. Yes, it is good to listen to people that care about you and have your best interests at heart. But to blindly only listen to them is dangerous.
So I called this post ‘Is there a way to have a better life?’ and I have the picture showing all the ways we can love more. What is the connection between what I have just said, the post and the picture? Well…YES you can have a better life and the way to do it is by self -reflecting and doing your bit to reach out and love more. You will be amazed to see what happens when you use your time and energy to build yourself and others instead of sinking in defeat.

Of course God’s Word (The Bible) is the best place to start as a thermometer.  Look at what it says and review your own life in light of it.

Have an amazing Day!

Listen to my podcast here

NM x

My book on beauty and self – esteem is available here: