Religion and Intimacy: time to (re)connect?

I was listening to an evening show on BBC radio 4 while I drove home yesterday evening. For those of you who are not familiar with BBC Radio 4 it is a show that discusses culture; literature, music, art. The station is very informative and is great company on long journeys when you want something to keep you engaged and alert on a journey. Anyway the discussion was about the role of religion in society; they had a Christian, a Jew and an agnostic discussing their beliefs, why they have chosen to live the way they do and what they think of the other faiths. The main point from the discussion was that religion offers no certainty – no one seems to know exactly what God or gods can do and for the Christian and the Jew that was part of their faith: to believe in a sovereign God whom humans cannot fully comprehend. However for the agnostic this very same reason was why they were agnostic and simply believed in a set of values and not a deity because they wanted to know who exactly the deity was and why certain things in the world happened.

I listened to the discussion and was intrigued that no matter what the beliefs all wanted a sense of security. Despite their differences of opinion the group agreed that religion has kept an essential part of society alive that is dying everywhere else and that is intimacy. The church especially was praised because of its ability to unite people from all works of life and the social foundation of Sunday service. Church is an extended family and just like a family there will be fall outs, disagreements and odd things happening. What family do you know where that is not the case. However if in the right church, it is a place for people to feel welcome, be encouraged and be around like minded people.

Some of you have given up things for lent but have not attended a Sunday service or bible study in years.


 If you’ve never been…try it.


Nissi x


  1. Very nice post. I enjoyed the read. Church does connect us all and brings those of all walks of like together, united in one heart, with eyes on Our Savior. This Ash Wed, in one pew sat a wealthy attorney with a poor guy who hadn’t had a bath for a week. It didn’t matter both came to receive Jesus.

  2. nelle says:

    For me, it isn’t about delivery and reward, it’s about a grounding base for evaluation and setting a course in life, long or short term, guiding me to be a better person. My spiritual interface may not resemble that of another, but it works for me, and the bottom line is in the implementation.

    I left Christianity, but recognise it does a world of good for many, so too with Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Wicca, and all religion. I’d say the same for those agnostic and atheist, because they follow a philosophical guidance.

    Too often we let our differences divide us when we should celebrate and cherish them.

  3. "NowWhat?" says:

    It took “NOW WHAT?” close to a day to ponder you, your thoughts, and how you expressed yourself and views in such a touching, musical way. You used video and writing with such a passion “NOW WHAT?” had to respond. While listening to you by listening, while watching your video, I had a sensation that serenity and peace over came me. Your quiet voice, with such strong words, spoken with conviction of your truth, shows that you live your life with no fear of: “To thine own self be true.”.

    We are all people. That come from different parts of the world with many different religions and beliefs. If we treated people the way we want to be treated, it wouldn’t be about race, religion, or creed, etc. It would be about love, respect, peoples opinions, different ideas, perspectives and perceptions. We don’t have to have the same beliefs and thoughts, to get along and grow with one another. Let’s respect and learn from one another, take the time to hear all different ways people, see and live life from a different Point of view. Not all of us has the same Higher power, but we do need to respect everyone’s choice of their Higher power. “NOW WHAT?”

  4. Susan Michaels says:

    Sounds like a really interesing program, Nissi…Wow! BBC does it again! In my own life I was a an insecure hot head with an ego like Everest! I pursued every ‘religion’ until Jesus found me and lifted me out of the dust of a broken, vain, and very empty life. Jesus has given me what He has called EVERY living soul to experience…not some day down the road…NOW…an awesome, intimate, everlasting, joyful, victorious, fulfilling, wondrous relationship with the King of Kings. I’m only so sorry I waited as long as I did, rebelled, kicked and resisted His love as long as I did. I LOVE God and His eternal promises, including His promise that those who seek…HIM…will find HIM if they seek HIM with all their hearts…seek HIM…not ‘religion’…not a mindset…but HIM…Oh to know the Author and Giver of Life…more and MORE…and to embrace His desire for intimacy with us, and to turn and love every person as…brother, sister, friend…whoever is our ‘neighbour’…is first…God’s creation. Lord, teach us to love, and reconnect…starting with YOU. xo in Jesus, S.

  5. scroungelady says:

    I agree, Nissi. For many years I did not attend church. Something was missing in my life. Finding a “church family” has filled that void.

    1. I enjoyed Nissi’s post very much. And, Scroungelady, I experienced the same thing you did. I was raised in church and – although I never turned my back on God- I did find myself without a church home for many years. Our previous church split, and I wasn’t happy with the “in fighting” that sprang up among the members. I spent literally a few years hopping from church to church, trying to find one where I felt I belonged, often sitting out altogether because I didn’t feel like I belonged anywhere yet. Until I settled into one, I didn’t realize how much I’d missed it. I’m happy we’ve both found what we were missing.

      1. scroungelady says:

        Yes, it takes time to find the right fit. The hardest part was recognizing that you cannot go it alone.

  6. seanjrankine says:

    ‘Beyond Belief’ Good show! It’s funny how that same point, can be used to both support and criticise the church and religion.

    1. Thank you! I know right! The world can be one big contradiction at times.

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