God’s timing: slow and suddenly…

I listened to a sermon today where Joyce Meyer talked about how God’s timing is perfect but to us can come across as slow or suddenly. I have noticed how in my own life, my character and attributes such as peace, patience, self-control, joy, long-suffering have developed majorly when I was going through hard times. When I thought I could not take it anymore, I took that feeling to God and….guess what…I could take more. Yes it felt really uncomfortable but growth generally isn’t all that comfortable. So this morning I want to encourage you; in the hard times do not focus on yourself and what you believe you can/cannot take. Keep your eyes,mind, ears, heart, soul, spirit on God. He is always, always working things put for your good.


Nissi xoxo

My book on beauty and self – esteem is available here: http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/aw/d/B009TOB9LC

Lessons from dad


As you know a lot of my writing is about self-esteem, healing through talking, writing and the creative arts and genrally taking time to reflect on our unique experience. Along my journey I have met, coached and mentored young women (and myself) struggling to find their place in the world. My reflections have led me to think about the solid foundation my parents gave me and why I could always find my way back home. By “home”, I mean to the arms of God and His true identity for me. 

There are some lessons, vital, life-changing lessons that I have learned from my dad (earthly father) along the way too that I have kept me grounded, at my best and ready to face any challenge. I am aware that many people have not had good experiences with their dad’s. Or maybe do not even know them. I am also aware that it is hard raising young men and women in this generation where it seems that morals are fluid and there are no golden rules of respect etc. This book draws on my experiences and the lessons I learned. I share them with you in the hope that they can change and enlighten your life as the lessons have mine.

I promise you, it is impossible to read these lessons and remain the same.

Buy it here.

Nissi xx

Check out my YouTube and Podcast.

My book on beauty and self – esteem is available here: http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/aw/d/B009TOB9LC

Are you on the right road?…


As the end of the year approaches, it is a time to reflect on the past months. A time to pull all the strands together of the days and seasons we have experienced. To see everything in the right perspective it is important that we draw God into this process and ask Him to show us what He wants us to see. To ask Him to show us the things we should be pleased we have accomplished or become, as well as the things that we could/ should have handled better or worked smarter in.

There was a time I used to self-reflect using only my mind and perspective. The result was me giving myself unrealistic expectations that left me feeling unfulfilled and frustrated. Because I did not have the God Perspective, I was pretty much blind to the really important things in life and what God wanted to do in it. It was like having the wrong prescription glasses on; I could guess what I was seeing but it was hit and miss.

As the end of this year approaches, I encourage you to join me in inviting God to show us what He wants us to see and how He wants us to see it. It is simple, just pray “God show me everything through your eyes”.


Nissi x

Don’t forget to check out my YouTube and Podcast.

My book on beauty and self – esteem is available here: http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/aw/d/B009TOB9LC

When your identity is challenged…


Things happen that make us think about who we are; what we stand for and what we believe in. If we do not have a solid understanding of ourselves and values, it is easy to be rattled and displaced but whatever we see as a challenge. During my teenage years, I remember how hard it was to know what was ‘me’ and what wasn’t. Through trial and error I am now getting a better understanding of the actions, speech, thoughts and everything else that is or (is not) in line with me.

I read something this morning talking about the way we should be constantly assessing and reassessing the way we spend our days and ultimately our lives. The point was that we should not just be working for money or for status, power etc. We should be finding and living our best selves. Living for a personal mission. That could be teaching maths, raising kids, bringing others clarity and joy through music. Whatever it is, our focus should be on being who we are…Not someone else.

I am using today and this weekend to evaluate and re-group. Join me!

Check out my YouTube and podcast.

Nissi x

My book on beauty and self – esteem is available here: http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/aw/d/B009TOB9LC

The journey: The man who moves a mountain begins by carrying away small stones.


Sometimes tasks can just seem too big. We can think of changes we want to make and after a fleeting moment of excitment, overwhelm sets in. One of the most important things to note when faced with a seemingly big challenge, is that everything in life can be broken down into manageable, achieveable steps.

The first thing that I think when I can feel myself getting overwhelmed is: how can I do this? Literally. I pray for wisdom so that God can show me each step to take. Now sometimes only the first step is given and I have faith that when I start out the rest will be revealed. These are the faith walks.

Other times it is a must for me to get the necessary advice and guidance to map out each step. I pray for the discernment to know the difference.

Remember all things are possible!

Check out my new vlog here. and my podcast here.

NM x

My book on beauty and self – esteem is available here: http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/aw/d/B009TOB9LC

One of those days…


Good Morning! I took a short break from my posts working on some vlogs and my new book ‘lessons from dad’ I have coming out the end of this year. I am so excited to see how God wants to use these new outlets. I love connecting with people and connecting them to God. The vlogs and book are another way I will do this.

Sooo… this morning I was reading the scriptures above and thought about how there is something about winter that just makes it hard for me to wake up! That feeling makes me want to make every excuse why it is not possible for me to get out of bed. Truth is, I love my job. It is a job I prayed for and God has blessed me abundantly in. I read above and was reminded that I need to cut the moaning.

You know complaining takes energy and precious time you could be spending with God; getting to know Him and taking the steps He wants you to take. By focusing on God we also lessen the chances of us being petty and finding fault with others. How great would it be to live every day making God known to people through just living our lives as God has called us to. This is an area I am being massively challenged in…

You can


out my new vlog here.

NM xx

My book on beauty and self – esteem is available here: http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/aw/d/B009TOB9LC

Living according to your unique design

The inspiration for this post came from something I saw this morning. I was listening to Hezekiah Walker’s song ‘Amazing’. The first part says “It’s so amazing, your love for me…If not for your grace where would I be”. While listening to the song I saw a cat walking along the slim edge of the roof. It was peacefully walking along on top of this like 5 level block of apartments. I was amazed! The cat did not slip, was not moved by the wind and was solely focused on looking forward, getting to its destination. I then thought how amazing it was that the cat had been specially designed by God to be able to walk in that way. If I tried, it would probably result in sudden death!

How crazy is it then that we all still find oursleves doing and saying and behaving in ways that God has not designed us to. Then when we feel the painful consequences of having e.g. a bad attitude, lack of faith, poor eating habits, not exercising, and so many other things, we get shocked. It should not be so! A while back I told myself I needed to make living by God’s design my priority because all other ways lead to death. Death of hope, faith, love and every other important thing ever in life. You see as the Bible says there is a way that seems right to man but leads to death. In the same way, when we trust in God it leads to life. Life to hope, love, faith and every other good thing.

In my mind, God’s way is my only option. Why settle for less?

NM x

Listen to my podcast here.

My book on beauty and self – esteem is available here: http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/aw/d/B009TOB9LC

Don’t force it!

Isn’t it amazing how we don’t want anyone to rule our lives or constantly tell us what to do, yet we feel perfectly fine trying to boss other people about. I noticed this about myself when I had a fall out with a friend. I could not for the life of me understand why they wanted to take a certain path. No matter how they explained the situation, I could not see it from their point of view. I spent a lot of time, energy and emotion trying to get them to see things the way I did. Nothing changed until I understood I needed to change. I needed to change my approach.

I have learned that when it come to people, I will never be able to force anyone to change. Only God can change people (and I still dont think he forces it). Instead of forcing my ideas on others (pretty much always ends badly), I need to pray and leave God to guide and develop them.

Taking this approach has given me my peace and helped me have better quality relationships. There are times I slip up and find myself being a nag. I haven’t quite perfected this yet but I am working on it and noticed my life is so much better.

NM x

Listen to my podcast here.


My book on beauty and self – esteem is available here: http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/aw/d/B009TOB9LC

The progress-commitment connection

Some months ago I came to what I like to call a ‘shake-up’ realisation. Following a period of several months of self reflection, I discovered I was a flake in a lot of areas. By flake I mean: heavily reliant on my feelings; only doing something if I felt like it. Letting my feelings rule my life; so buried in myself I had lost sight of the bigger picture. So consumed by my little world, I was shut off to the real world and other people’s concerns, joys, hurts etc. I knew and have known somewhere in me that God did not want that for me. I knew that I had to commit to focusing on God’s words instead of how I felt.

One of the first things I did was to commit myself to peace. If something started scratching at my peace, I immediately looked at God’s Word and shut that fear down with it. That led me to my next thing, prayer. I started studying prayer and focused on hearing from God, understanding and applying His Word. Last I committed to taking the actions that are in my power to bring change. You see I started to see that I was waiting for a miracle when what I really needed to do was get off my backside and act!

I am still on this journey and am loving exploring prayer. Communicating with God is such an honour and a beautiful thing. I am in the best shape I have been emotionally and spiritually for a long time. I walk in peace and I am passionate about keeping it so my focus is on God.

Today commit to committing. It is essential for progress. I have done the flake thing. Let me save you the trouble, it doesn’t work.

Listen to my podcast here.


My book on beauty and self – esteem is available here: http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/aw/d/B009TOB9LC

The Beauty of the Psalms: Fruit in Season

Morning All!

Happy Monday! It came to me this morning that at the end of the week we will officially be a quarter of the way through 2012. Excuse my obsession with the progression of the year but it is just that I have high hopes for the next few months and seeing things slowly come into place is sooo exciting.

Anyway rant and morning ramble aside, last week I found myself going through the Psalms again. I love this book of the Bible because the verses speak to every single situation you could possibly find yourself in. When I first started tackling my issues of insecurity and found it hard to talk about certain things with other people, this book was my safe place.

 One of the things that really had me angry, hurt and confused was witnessing evil and nasty people seemingly getting away with their wrongs. I did not (and to a certain extent still do not) understand why bad people get away with their bad deeds. This book helped me to see that I should help where I can, pray where I can’t and work to be the best person I can be. As a word of encouragement to anyone who is feeling overwhelmed by what they seeing going wrong, instead of letting this anger paralyse and destabilise you, work to be the best you can be. Although evil is sickening and we wish we could do more, it is best to work with the little you have. Changing the world one person at a time is better than no people changing all of the time.

 I love the first three verses of the psalm because they show that those who delight in the Lord will ultimately prosper. These words have led me back to the straight and narrow when I have felt like doing my own self destructive thing. The problem is as 21st century citizens we can be impatient and tire before our season of fruition. Be the tree firmly planted and wait for your season to blossom and bloom!

1 Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers, 2 but whose delight is in the law of the LORD, and who meditates on his law day and night. 3 That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither— whatever they do prospers.

Nissi x